

It's all about loving you .... Samdolphin.

horses ..... they bring out the magic in you..
wild horses.......I wanna be like you ....
love you Samdolphin .......vistamom

"Horses stay the same from the day they are born until
the day they die... They are only changed by the way
people treat them."

Love is more than just a feeling. It's thinking well about your horse.

Monday, November 10, 2008


About two years ago, while I was riding Sam around the block in my neighborhood, I met Renee.

This is Renee....a very special child, that I have got to know for some time now. I was riding
Samdolphin (my horse) around the neighborhood, when I met Renee and her mother,they were on their way to attend speech therapy.I was told that , she had Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, I then offered, if she would like to go on the horse, it's amazing at how she immediately connects to the horse.From that moment,I knew that, she has to continue riding,and since then Renee has been riding Sam once every week. According to her mom,s he has been progressing great. Horses ...they bring out the magic in you!!!!!!

That's Ralph (Renee's dad) and Renee.... she's touching Sam.

A few months ago with the help of
Siew Lee(Renee's mom), we have managed to extend this benefits to some other special needs children.

After much thought, I have decided to sacrifices part of my morning rides, on every Tuesdays and Thursdays, so that these children can have their chance for their
therapeutic rides.

This has been quite a challenge for me, as it wasn't as easy as it seems. It takes a lot out of you, to be able to engaged in such a task, your sincerity, your warmth, time, love , compassion and understanding plus a tremendous amount of physical strength.At first, all of these seems so hard and foreign to me,but now, I slowly realized that it has not only help the children, but more so, it have helped me to grow so much more.These children has touched and warmth, my heart like I have never felt before.I now look forward to our sessions and being around them give me a new found happiness and pleasure.

I strongly believe that, for anything to be therapeutic, the environment, the interaction with each other, the emotional atmosphere of all that are involved , have to harmonious, otherwise we might not achieved the best of results.

"SMALL STEPS BIG SMILES" ...... This is the way to go.....

Now we have Ivan, Isaac, Wai Kit, Sin Hong, Amanda, and Aishah joining us!!!! Welcome to the group

This is Ivan taking his rides every Tuesdays............

Getting ready to mount Ivan on the horse.

Mounting Ivan on the horse.

Ivan riding Sam... lying down, he especially likes the sounds of the hoofs while Sam is walking.

Doesn't he look comfortable and relax? The rhythm of the horse movement sometime would make him dose off.

Assisted by my husband,Ivan's mom,their maid and myself , we manage to let Ivan enjoy his ride every week. Being able to do this makes me feel really great!!!!

Ivan after riding....look at that face... I call him handsome boy!

1 comment:

The Krattli - Ng Family said...

I just want to tell you: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
